type items_properties =
[ `ANCHOR of Gtk.Tags.anchor_type
| `ARROW_SHAPE_A of float
| `ARROW_SHAPE_B of float
| `ARROW_SHAPE_C of float
| `BPATH of GnomeCanvas.PathDef.t
| `CAP_STYLE of Gdk.GC.gdkCapStyle
| `CLIP of bool
| `CLIP_HEIGHT of float
| `CLIP_WIDTH of float
| `CURSOR_BLINK of bool
| `DASH of float * float array
| `EDITABLE of bool
| `FAMILY of string
| `FILL_COLOR of string
| `FILL_COLOR_RGBA of int32
| `FILL_STIPPLE of Gdk.bitmap
| `FONT of string
| `GROW_HEIGHT of bool
| `HEIGHT of float
| `JOIN_STYLE of Gdk.GC.gdkJoinStyle
| `JUSTIFICATION of Gtk.Tags.justification
| `LEFT_MARGIN of int
| `LINE_STYLE of Gdk.GC.gdkLineStyle
| `MARKUP of string
| `OUTLINE_COLOR of string
| `OUTLINE_STIPPLE of Gdk.bitmap
| `PIXBUF of GdkPixbuf.pixbuf
| `POINTS of float array
| `RIGHT_MARGIN of int
| `RISE of int
| `SCALE of float
| `SIZE of int
| `SIZE_PIXELS of bool
| `SIZE_POINTS of float
| `SMOOTH of bool
| `TEXT of string
| `VISIBLE of bool
| `WEIGHT of int
| `WIDGET of GObj.widget
| `WIDTH of float
| `WIDTH_PIXELS of int
| `WIDTH_UNITS of float
| `X of float
| `X1 of float
| `X2 of float
| `X_OFFSET of float
| `Y of float
| `Y1 of float
| `Y2 of float
| `Y_OFFSET of float ]
val propertize :
[< GnoCanvas.items_properties ] -> string * unit Gobject.data_set
type item_event =
[ `BUTTON_PRESS of GdkEvent.Button.t
| `BUTTON_RELEASE of GdkEvent.Button.t
| `ENTER_NOTIFY of GdkEvent.Crossing.t
| `FOCUS_CHANGE of GdkEvent.Focus.t
| `KEY_PRESS of GdkEvent.Key.t
| `KEY_RELEASE of GdkEvent.Key.t
| `LEAVE_NOTIFY of GdkEvent.Crossing.t
| `MOTION_NOTIFY of GdkEvent.Motion.t
| `THREE_BUTTON_PRESS of GdkEvent.Button.t
| `TWO_BUTTON_PRESS of GdkEvent.Button.t ]
class item_signals :
([> GnomeCanvas.item ] as 'b) Gtk.obj ->
object ('a)
val obj : 'b Gtk.obj
method after : 'a
method destroy : callback:(unit -> unit) ->
method event : callback:(GnoCanvas.item_event -> bool) ->
class base_item :
([> GnomeCanvas.item ] as 'a) Gtk.obj ->
val obj : 'a Gtk.obj
method affine_absolute : float array -> unit
method affine_relative : float array -> unit
method as_item : GnomeCanvas.item Gtk.obj
method canvas : GnoCanvas.canvas
method connect : GnoCanvas.item_signals
method destroy : unit -> unit
method get_bounds : float array
method get_oid : int
method grab : Gdk.Tags.event_mask list -> Gdk.cursor -> int32 -> unit
method grab_focus : unit -> unit
method hide : unit -> unit
method i2c_affine : float array
method i2w : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method i2w_affine : float array
method lower : int -> unit
method lower_to_bottom : unit -> unit
method move : x:float -> y:float -> unit
method parent :
method raise : int -> unit
method raise_to_top : unit -> unit
method reparent : -> unit
method show : unit -> unit
method ungrab : int32 -> unit
method w2i : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method xform :
[ `AFFINE of float array | `IDENTITY | `TRANSL of float array ]
and group : Gtk.obj ->
val obj : Gtk.obj
method affine_absolute : float array -> unit
method affine_relative : float array -> unit
method as_group : Gtk.obj
method as_item : GnomeCanvas.item Gtk.obj
method canvas : GnoCanvas.canvas
method connect : GnoCanvas.item_signals
method destroy : unit -> unit
method get_bounds : float array
method get_items : GnoCanvas.base_item list
method get_oid : int
method grab : Gdk.Tags.event_mask list -> Gdk.cursor -> int32 -> unit
method grab_focus : unit -> unit
method hide : unit -> unit
method i2c_affine : float array
method i2w : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method i2w_affine : float array
method lower : int -> unit
method lower_to_bottom : unit -> unit
method move : x:float -> y:float -> unit
method parent :
method raise : int -> unit
method raise_to_top : unit -> unit
method reparent : -> unit
method set : GnomeCanvas.group_p list -> unit
method show : unit -> unit
method ungrab : int32 -> unit
method w2i : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method xform :
[ `AFFINE of float array | `IDENTITY | `TRANSL of float array ]
and canvas :
GnomeCanvas.canvas Gtk.obj ->
val obj : GnomeCanvas.canvas Gtk.obj
method aa : bool
method add : GObj.widget -> unit
method all_children : GObj.widget list
method as_widget : Gtk.widget Gtk.obj
method bin_window : Gdk.window
method border_width : int
method c2w : cx:float -> cy:float -> float * float
method children : GObj.widget list
method coerce : GObj.widget
method connect : GContainer.container_signals
method destroy : unit -> unit
method drag : GObj.drag_ops
method event : GObj.event_ops
method focus : GContainer.focus
method freeze : unit -> unit
method get_center_scroll_region : bool
method get_item_at : x:float -> y:float -> GnoCanvas.base_item
method get_oid : int
method get_scroll_offsets : int * int
method get_scroll_region : float array
method hadjustment : GData.adjustment
method height : int
method misc : GObj.misc_ops
method move : GObj.widget -> x:int -> y:int -> unit
method put : GObj.widget -> x:int -> y:int -> unit
method remove : GObj.widget -> unit
method resize_mode : Gtk.Tags.resize_mode
method root :
method scroll_to : x:int -> y:int -> unit
method set_border_width : int -> unit
method set_center_scroll_region : bool -> unit
method set_hadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit
method set_height : int -> unit
method set_pixels_per_unit : float -> unit
method set_resize_mode : Gtk.Tags.resize_mode -> unit
method set_scroll_region :
x1:float -> y1:float -> x2:float -> y2:float -> unit
method set_vadjustment : GData.adjustment -> unit
method set_width : int -> unit
method thaw : unit -> unit
method update_now : unit -> unit
method vadjustment : GData.adjustment
method w2c : wx:float -> wy:float -> int * int
method w2c_affine : float array
method w2c_d : wx:float -> wy:float -> float * float
method width : int
method window_to_world : winx:float -> winy:float -> float * float
method world_to_window : wox:float -> woy:float -> float * float
class ['a] item :
[> GnomeCanvas.item ] Gtk.obj ->
constraint 'a = [< GnoCanvas.items_properties ]
val obj : [> GnomeCanvas.item ] Gtk.obj
method affine_absolute : float array -> unit
method affine_relative : float array -> unit
method as_item : GnomeCanvas.item Gtk.obj
method canvas : canvas
method connect : item_signals
method destroy : unit -> unit
method get_bounds : float array
method get_oid : int
method grab : Gdk.Tags.event_mask list -> Gdk.cursor -> int32 -> unit
method grab_focus : unit -> unit
method hide : unit -> unit
method i2c_affine : float array
method i2w : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method i2w_affine : float array
method lower : int -> unit
method lower_to_bottom : unit -> unit
method move : x:float -> y:float -> unit
method parent : group
method raise : int -> unit
method raise_to_top : unit -> unit
method reparent : group -> unit
method set : 'a list -> unit
method show : unit -> unit
method ungrab : int32 -> unit
method w2i : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method xform :
[ `AFFINE of float array | `IDENTITY | `TRANSL of float array ]
val canvas :
?aa:bool ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> GnoCanvas.canvas
val group : ?x:float -> ?y:float -> ->
val wrap_item :
[> GnomeCanvas.item ] Gtk.obj ->
([> `canvasitem | `gtk ], [< GnoCanvas.items_properties ] as 'a)
GnomeCanvas.Types.t -> 'a GnoCanvas.item
type rect = GnomeCanvas.re_p GnoCanvas.item
val rect :
?x1:float ->
?y1:float ->
?x2:float ->
?y2:float ->
?fill_color:string ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.re_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.rect
type ellipse = GnomeCanvas.re_p GnoCanvas.item
val ellipse :
?x1:float ->
?y1:float ->
?x2:float ->
?y2:float ->
?fill_color:string ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.re_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.ellipse
class text :
GnomeCanvas.text Gtk.obj ->
val obj : GnomeCanvas.text Gtk.obj
method affine_absolute : float array -> unit
method affine_relative : float array -> unit
method as_item : GnomeCanvas.item Gtk.obj
method canvas : canvas
method connect : item_signals
method destroy : unit -> unit
method get_bounds : float array
method get_oid : int
method grab : Gdk.Tags.event_mask list -> Gdk.cursor -> int32 -> unit
method grab_focus : unit -> unit
method hide : unit -> unit
method i2c_affine : float array
method i2w : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method i2w_affine : float array
method lower : int -> unit
method lower_to_bottom : unit -> unit
method move : x:float -> y:float -> unit
method parent : group
method raise : int -> unit
method raise_to_top : unit -> unit
method reparent : group -> unit
method set : GnomeCanvas.text_p list -> unit
method show : unit -> unit
method text_height : float
method text_width : float
method ungrab : int32 -> unit
method w2i : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method xform :
[ `AFFINE of float array | `IDENTITY | `TRANSL of float array ]
val text :
?x:float ->
?y:float ->
?text:string ->
?font:string ->
?size:int ->
?anchor:Gtk.Tags.anchor_type ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.text_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.text
type line = GnomeCanvas.line_p GnoCanvas.item
val line :
?points:float array ->
?fill_color:string ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.line_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.line
type bpath = GnomeCanvas.bpath_p GnoCanvas.item
val bpath :
?bpath:GnomeCanvas.PathDef.t ->
?fill_color:string ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.bpath_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.bpath
type pixbuf = GnomeCanvas.pixbuf_p GnoCanvas.item
val pixbuf :
?x:float ->
?y:float ->
?pixbuf:GdkPixbuf.pixbuf ->
?width:float ->
?height:float ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.pixbuf_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.pixbuf
type polygon = GnomeCanvas.polygon_p GnoCanvas.item
val polygon :
?points:float array ->
?fill_color:string ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.polygon_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.polygon
type widget = GnomeCanvas.widget_p GnoCanvas.item
val widget :
?widget:< coerce : GObj.widget; .. > ->
?x:float ->
?y:float ->
?width:float ->
?height:float ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.widget_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.widget
class rich_text :
GnomeCanvas.rich_text Gtk.obj ->
val obj : GnomeCanvas.rich_text Gtk.obj
method affine_absolute : float array -> unit
method affine_relative : float array -> unit
method as_item : GnomeCanvas.item Gtk.obj
method canvas : canvas
method connect : item_signals
method copy_clipboard : unit -> unit
method cut_clipboard : unit -> unit
method destroy : unit -> unit
method get_bounds : float array
method get_buffer : GText.buffer
method get_oid : int
method grab : Gdk.Tags.event_mask list -> Gdk.cursor -> int32 -> unit
method grab_focus : unit -> unit
method hide : unit -> unit
method i2c_affine : float array
method i2w : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method i2w_affine : float array
method lower : int -> unit
method lower_to_bottom : unit -> unit
method move : x:float -> y:float -> unit
method parent : group
method paste_clipboard : unit -> unit
method raise : int -> unit
method raise_to_top : unit -> unit
method reparent : group -> unit
method set : GnomeCanvas.rich_text_p list -> unit
method show : unit -> unit
method ungrab : int32 -> unit
method w2i : x:float -> y:float -> float * float
method xform :
[ `AFFINE of float array | `IDENTITY | `TRANSL of float array ]
val rich_text :
?x:float ->
?y:float ->
?text:string ->
?width:float ->
?height:float ->
?props:GnomeCanvas.rich_text_p list -> -> GnoCanvas.rich_text