Module GEdit

module GEdit: sig .. end
Editable Widgets

Editable Widgets


class editable_signals : [> Gtk.editable ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class editable : [> Gtk.editable ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end
Interface for text-editing widgets

GtkEntry & GtkEntryCompletion

class entry_completion_signals : [> `entrycompletion ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class entry_completion : [> `celllayout | `entrycompletion ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class entry_signals : [> Gtk.entry ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class entry : [> Gtk.entry ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end
A single line text entry field

val entry : ?text:string ->
?visibility:bool ->
?max_length:int ->
?activates_default:bool ->
?editable:bool ->
?has_frame:bool ->
?width_chars:int ->
?xalign:float ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> entry
GTK documentation: GtkEntry
val entry_completion : ?model:#GTree.model ->
?minimum_key_length:int ->
?entry:entry -> unit -> entry_completion
Since GTK 2.4
GTK documentation: GtkEntryCompletion


class spin_button_signals : [> Gtk.spin_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class spin_button : Gtk.spin_button Gtk.obj -> object .. end
Retrieve an integer or floating-point number from the user

val spin_button : ?adjustment:GData.adjustment ->
?rate:float ->
?digits:int ->
?numeric:bool ->
?snap_to_ticks:bool ->
?update_policy:[ `ALWAYS | `IF_VALID ] ->
?value:float ->
?wrap:bool ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> spin_button
GTK documentation: GtkSpinButton


class combo : Gtk.combo Gtk.obj -> object .. end
A text entry field with a dropdown list

val combo : ?popdown_strings:string list ->
?allow_empty:bool ->
?case_sensitive:bool ->
?enable_arrow_keys:bool ->
?value_in_list:bool ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> combo
GTK documentation: GtkCombo


class combo_box_signals : [> Gtk.combo_box ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class combo_box : [> Gtk.combo_box ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val combo_box : ?model:#GTree.model ->
?active:int ->
?add_tearoffs:bool ->
?focus_on_click:bool ->
?has_frame:bool ->
?wrap_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> combo_box
Since GTK 2.4
GTK documentation: GtkComboBox
class combo_box_entry : [> Gtk.combo_box_entry ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val combo_box_entry : ?model:#GTree.model ->
?text_column:string GTree.column ->
?active:int ->
?add_tearoffs:bool ->
?focus_on_click:bool ->
?has_frame:bool ->
?wrap_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> combo_box_entry
Since GTK 2.4
GTK documentation: GtkComboBoxEntry

Convenience API for text-only ComboBoxes

type #combo_box text_combo = (#combo_box as 'a) * (GTree.list_store * string GTree.column) 
val text_combo_add : #combo_box text_combo -> string -> unit
val text_combo_get_active : #combo_box text_combo -> string option
val combo_box_text : ?strings:string list ->
?use_markup:bool ->
?active:int ->
?add_tearoffs:bool ->
?focus_on_click:bool ->
?has_frame:bool ->
?wrap_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> combo_box text_combo
A convenience function for creating simple GEdit.combo_box. Creates a simple GTree.list_store with a single text column, adds strings in it, creates a GTree.cell_renderer_text and connects it with the model.
Since GTK 2.4
GTK documentation: GtkComboBox
val combo_box_entry_text : ?strings:string list ->
?active:int ->
?add_tearoffs:bool ->
?focus_on_click:bool ->
?has_frame:bool ->
?wrap_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> combo_box_entry text_combo
A convenience function. See GEdit.combo_box_text
Since GTK 2.4
GTK documentation: GtkComboBoxEntry