Module GToolbox

module GToolbox: sig .. end
Useful functions for LablGTK.


type menu_entry = [ `C of string * bool * (bool -> unit)
| `I of string * (unit -> unit)
| `M of string * menu_entry list
| `R of (string * bool * (bool -> unit)) list
| `S ]
Tree description of a menu
val build_menu : -> entries:menu_entry list -> unit
Build a menu from a tree description
val popup_menu : entries:menu_entry list -> button:int -> time:int32 -> unit
Popup a menu created from the given list of labels and functions.

Parametrized dialog windows

val question_box : title:string ->
buttons:string list -> ?default:int -> ?icon:#GObj.widget -> string -> int
This function is used to display a question in a dialog box, with a parametrized list of buttons. The function returns the number of the clicked button (starting at 1), or 0 if the window is savagedly destroyed.
title : the title of the dialog
buttons : the list of button labels.
default : the index of the default answer
icon : a widget (usually a pixmap) which can be displayed on the left of the window.
val message_box : title:string -> ?icon:#GObj.widget -> ?ok:string -> string -> unit
This function is used to display a message in a dialog box with just an Ok button. We use question_box with just an ok button.
title : the title of the dialog
icon : a widget (usually a pixmap) which can be displayed on the left of the window.
ok : the text for the ok button (default is "Ok")
val input_string : title:string ->
?ok:string -> ?cancel:string -> ?text:string -> string -> string option
Make the user type in a string.
Returns None if the user clicked on cancel, or Some s if the user clicked on the ok button.
title : the title of the dialog
ok : the text for the confirmation button (default is "Ok")
cancel : the text for the cancel button (default is "Cancel")
text : the default text displayed in the entry widget
val input_text : title:string ->
?ok:string -> ?cancel:string -> ?text:string -> string -> string option
Make the user type in a text.
Returns None if the user clicked on cancel, or Some s if the user clicked on the ok button.
title : the title of the dialog
ok : the text for the confirmation button (default is "Ok")
cancel : the text for the cancel button (default is "Cancel")
text : the default text displayed in the entry widget (utf8)
val select_file : title:string ->
?dir:string Pervasives.ref -> ?filename:string -> unit -> string option
This function allows the user to select a file and returns the selected file name. A VOIR : multi-selection ?
type 'a tree = [ `L of 'a | `N of 'a * 'a tree list ] 
A tree.
class ['a] tree_selection : tree:'a tree -> label:('a -> string) -> info:('a -> string) -> ?packing:GObj.widget -> unit -> ?show:bool -> unit -> object .. end
A class to make the user select a node in a tree.

val tree_selection_dialog : tree:'a tree ->
label:('a -> string) ->
info:('a -> string) ->
title:string ->
?ok:string ->
?cancel:string ->
?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?show:bool -> unit -> 'a option
A function to make the user select a node in a tree.
Returns The data associated to the selected node, or None if the user canceled the selection.
tree : the to build a tree selection widget
title : is the title of the window.
ok : the text for the confirmation button (default is "Ok")
cancel : the text for the cancel button (default is "Cancel")

Miscellaneous functions

val autosize_clist : 'a GList.clist -> unit
Resize the columns of a clist according to the length of the content and the title of each column.