Module Glib.Convert

module Convert: sig .. end
Character Set Conversion
GTK documentation: glib-Character-Set-Conversion

type error =
| NO_CONVERSION (*Conversion between the requested character sets is not supported*)
| ILLEGAL_SEQUENCE (*Invalid byte sequence in conversion input*)
| FAILED (*Conversion failed for some reason*)
| PARTIAL_INPUT (*Partial character sequence at end of input*)
| BAD_URI (*URI is invalid*)
| NOT_ABSOLUTE_PATH (*Pathname is not an absolute path*)
exception Error of error * string
val convert : string -> to_codeset:string -> from_codeset:string -> string
Raises Error .
val convert_with_fallback : ?fallback:string ->
to_codeset:string -> from_codeset:string -> string -> string
Raises Error .

All internal strings are encoded in utf8: you should use the following conversion functions
val locale_from_utf8 : string -> string
Converts the input string from UTF-8 to the encoding of the current locale. If the locale's encoding is UTF-8, the string is simply validated and returned unmodified.
val locale_to_utf8 : string -> string
Raises Error .

Converts the input string from the encoding of the current locale to UTF-8. If the locale's encoding is UTF-8, the string is simply validated and returned unmodified.
val filename_from_utf8 : string -> string
Raises Error .
val filename_to_utf8 : string -> string
Raises Error .
val filename_from_uri : string -> string option * string
Raises Error .
val filename_to_uri : ?hostname:string -> string -> string
Raises Error .
val get_charset : unit -> bool * string
Obtains the character set for the current locale.
Returns the pair u,s where u is true if the character set is UTF-8 and s is the character set name