Module GPack

module GPack: sig .. end
Several container widgets

Several container widgets


class box_skel : [> ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class box : [> ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end
A base class for box containers

val box : Gtk.Tags.orientation ->
?homogeneous:bool ->
?spacing:int ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> box
GTK documentation: GtkBox
homogeneous : default value is false
val vbox : ?homogeneous:bool ->
?spacing:int ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> box
GTK documentation: GtkVBox
homogeneous : default value is false
val hbox : ?homogeneous:bool ->
?spacing:int ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> box
GTK documentation: GtkHVBox
homogeneous : default value is false
class button_box : [> Gtk.button_box ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val button_box : Gtk.Tags.orientation ->
?spacing:int ->
?child_width:int ->
?child_height:int ->
?child_ipadx:int ->
?child_ipady:int ->
?layout:GtkPack.BBox.bbox_style ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> button_box
GTK documentation: GtkButtonBox


class table : Gtk.table Gtk.obj -> object .. end
Pack widgets in regular patterns

val table : ?columns:int ->
?rows:int ->
?homogeneous:bool ->
?row_spacings:int ->
?col_spacings:int ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> table
GTK documentation: GtkTable


class fixed : Gtk.fixed Gtk.obj -> object .. end
A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates

val fixed : ?has_window:bool ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> fixed
GTK documentation: GtkFixed


class layout : [> Gtk.layout ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end
Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or custom drawing

val layout : ?hadjustment:GData.adjustment ->
?vadjustment:GData.adjustment ->
?layout_width:int ->
?layout_height:int ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> layout
GTK documentation: GtkLayout


class notebook_signals : [> Gtk.notebook ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class notebook : Gtk.notebook Gtk.obj -> object .. end
A tabbed notebook container

val notebook : ?enable_popup:bool ->
?homogeneous_tabs:bool ->
?scrollable:bool ->
?show_border:bool ->
?show_tabs:bool ->
?tab_border:int ->
?tab_pos:Gtk.Tags.position ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> notebook
GTK documentation: GtkNotebook


class paned : Gtk.paned Gtk.obj -> object .. end
Base class for widgets with two adjustable panes

val paned : Gtk.Tags.orientation ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> paned
GTK documentation: GtkPaned