Class GPack.table

class table : Gtk.table Gtk.obj -> object .. end
Pack widgets in regular patterns
GTK documentation: GtkTable
val obj : Gtk.table Gtk.obj
method attach : left:int ->
top:int ->
?right:int ->
?bottom:int ->
?expand:Gtk.Tags.expand_type ->
?fill:Gtk.Tags.expand_type ->
?shrink:Gtk.Tags.expand_type ->
?xpadding:int -> ?ypadding:int -> GObj.widget -> unit
left : column number to attach the left side of the widget to
top : row number to attach the top of the widget to
right : default value is left+1
bottom : default value is top+1
expand : default value is `NONE
fill : default value is `BOTH
shrink : default value is `NONE
method col_spacings : int
method columns : int
method homogeneous : bool
method row_spacings : int
method rows : int
method set_col_spacing : int -> int -> unit
method set_col_spacings : int -> unit
method set_columns : int -> unit
method set_homogeneous : bool -> unit
method set_row_spacing : int -> int -> unit
method set_row_spacings : int -> unit
method set_rows : int -> unit